Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Healing the Wounds of Your Heart: Fire Exercise

Today is Wednesday, February 19, 2014.

Most of us have at least a couple of beliefs that hold us back somehow.  These beliefs – often unconscious and unrecognized – limit our potential, our productivity, our careers and relationships, and our physical, mental or emotional health.  There are a lot of people out there who talk about changing beliefs, and there are plenty who are willing to are willing to charge you an arm and a leg to provide you with a Grand Plan for getting rid of these beliefs.  They make it look easy, and they tell you it's a snap, that it won't take much time at all.  That's bullshit.

What's not bullshit is that you can change your beliefs, but it will take time – not just a few days or weeks, but possibly months or even years – and consistent, sincere effort on your part.  It cannot be done for you; you will have to do the work yourself.  You can listen to all kinds of advice, but you have to sift out what you think will work for you and what won't.  

In terms of time, think about this: How long have you held the particular negative belief that you're trying to rid yourself of?  The longer you've held it, the longer it may take to get rid of it. 

Keeping in mind that our subconscious mind works with feelings and images, rather than language, visualization exercises are particularly powerful for reprogramming.  Here is another good exercise for mending your heart.  Read it over and decide whether it will work for you. 

Let an imaginary fire burn away all that is no longer true in your life.  

Do you feel that you are a victim of circumstance, that you have no say in the way your life unfolds?  That's not true; throw that belief into the fire!

Do you believe that you cannot make your personal dreams come true?  That's not true; throw that belief into the fire!

Do you believe that you'll never be able to lose weight because of a slow metabolism?  That can be changed!  Throw that old belief into the fire!

Do you believe that you are too old, too fat, too imperfect to find a fulfilling relationship?  That's not true!  Throw that belief into the fire!

Do you believe you can't find love because you're not the person you used to be?   That's not true!  Throw that belief into the fire! 

Do you believe you aren't finding a relationship because all the good men or women are taken?  That's not true! Throw that belief into the fire!

Do you believe that you are unwanted, unloved, and no longer desirable?  That's not true!  Throw that belief into the fire.

I am planning to do this exercise, myself.  It is my hope that someone else among my readers may benefit from the exercise, as well.   May the Blessings Be!   :-)

1 comment:

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