This is the sixth in a series of articles about eight universal spiritual principles for success in any occupation of life. Previously, I wrote about humility, purity, compassion, integrity and forgiveness. Today's spiritual principle is innocence.
Innocence has a number of connotations, some positive and others slightly negative, depending on how far you take this quality. The kind of innocence I'm talking about is, first off, a sort of childlike wonder about the world, a way of seeing the world with new eyes. It is refusing to become jaded, no matter now many times we have done a particular thing. It is maintaining an interest in people as if you just met them and want to know more about them, rather than taking them for granted, assuming that there's nothing new to learn about them.
Secondly, the type of innocence I'm talking about here is an assumption of positive forces in the world, a feeling of trust that people are basically good, even when they do or say negative things. It is an underlying faith that a Higher Power exists that will not let creation get irretrievably out of hand. This sort of innocence gives us hope that things will eventually get better when the situation seems negative. It is what allows us to believe that life ultimately has purpose and meaning.
When we greet our students, customers, patients, clients, and co-workers with a fresh outlook every day, an assumption of trust and cooperation, a genuine interest in learning something new about them, and a willingness to speak and hear the truth, things tend to go well, and misunderstandings can be righted quickly.
How can we protect this inner quality as we go through life? One way is to stop exposing ourselves to crude environments, crude language (including song lyrics), and crude behavior. Instead, let us expose ourselves as much as possible to positive, refined, loving, and nurturing environments and associations. What we choose to read and listen to, where we choose to hang out, and whom we choose to hang out with are all very important in cultivating the quality of innocence.
Tomorrow: gratitude. :-)
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